1. Travel when others don’t This means that you travel just before or after summer ..
ReadTag: Train holiday
The laid out tracks in Europe and your next road trip or weekend trip
Or, how travelling around Europe with train is an attractive option for your road trip. The last century or ..
ReadWhy save an Interrail travel day?
The flexibility of the Interrail pass means that you can travel as much as you ..
ReadBy train to Stockholm in Sweden and a nature (or) city experience
So you want to explore Stockholm and you want to get a feeling for the ..
ReadTrain adventure to Berlin and Prague
The journey started with no certain plan on where to end up. After all, train ..
ReadFrom Cork to Dublin – Part 2
Read the first part here. My last morning in Cork I took a long detour ..
ReadAh, bummer – Entertaining mistakes to avoid when train hiking in Europe
There are so many tips and guides for what to do when going train hiking ..
ReadFrom Cork to Dublin with train – Part 1
Cork has character. It’s obvious after a few hours of walking around in the centre. ..
ReadThe retired sleeper services in Europe – And the new ones
This spring France said buh bye to night trains from Paris. The explanation is that ..