October is coming to an end. The autumn colors have already established a presence in ..
ReadTag: Festival
Let’s give a round of applause for summertime and cheer for approaching September
It’s been a hectic and fun summer, it really still is summer and we can ..
ReadThree festivals in August and September to enjoy the late summer
Late summer is almost here and it is time to think about which festivals to ..
ReadHere comes July! Road trips in France and trends for road trips in late summer 2023
We have entered the month of July and find ourselves amid the summer holiday season. ..
ReadSummer festivals in June and July
Amid summer vacations we can look forward to several festivals in June and July. Let’s ..
ReadDid you miss anything lately?
We have entered the month of May and the summer holidays are almost here. More ..
ReadSo much to see, so much to do! Find inspiration for your Europe travels with these puzzles
There are many capitals in Europe with a history stretching back more than a thousand ..
ReadThousands have tried these puzzles about European culture and history.. Why not you?
Let’s start with cities in France and Germany that are recognized World Heritage sites.. Find ..
ReadDo you know these traditional festivals with a history going back hundreds of years?
Test your knowledge of these European festivals that are steeped in history. More puzzles! Can ..