Do you know these places in Europe? More puzzles! So much to see, so much [..]
ReadWhere did that travel quote come from?
Can you find the right person for each travel quote below? More puzzles Some mindful [..]
ReadFind facts about Balearic islands in Spain
What do you know about these stunning islands east of Spain? Try the puzzle! More [..]
ReadSee Alsace in France with this drone video from above
Check out this stunning and serene drone video footage of Alsace in France. This will [..]
ReadDid you know about these lakes and national parks in Spain?
Spain has more to see than its famous beaches. There are plenty of national parks [..]
ReadSo much to see, so much to do! Find inspiration for your Europe travels with these puzzles
There are many capitals in Europe with a history stretching back more than a thousand [..]
ReadWho said what? Attribute the travel quotes
Can you match the travel quotes below with the people which they are attributed to? [..]
ReadFind the towns in Bavaria
Can you find the towns in Bavaria? This southernmost region in Germany is known for [..]
ReadThree reasons to stay in a vacation home instead of a hotel
Live like a local Vacation homes bring you closer to the community where you will [..]