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ReadCategory: Activities & Places
Find inspiration for activities during road trips, hiking and boating adventures in Europe! Here you can also find destination tips with the focus on places which are fun for the active traveller.
Explore Ibiza before the summer season and avoid the crowds
Visiting Ibiza in the spring, before the summer crowds roll in, is like discovering a ..
ReadThree activities to explore areas in France, Germany, and Spain this summer while avoiding crowded places
It is almost summer again, and many want to go into nature to get a ..
ReadFour steps to plan your bikepacking adventure this spring and summer
Bikepacking is a wonderful way to dive deep into nature, offering a chance to connect ..
ReadBring on spring and happy road trips with these pop songs!
Alphaville – Big In Japan This beat from German Alphaville that brings back memories of ..
ReadSki tourism trends in the Alps show that Austria and Italy are both winners during ski season 2024-2025
Bright times are here for skiing enthusiasts. The season for winter sports is here, and ..
ReadFive jazz and food festivals to visit in February and March
Polarjazz in Svalbard, Norway This jazz festival in Svalbard, the far north of Europe has ..
ReadThree happy songs from France, Italy, and Germany while you enjoy wintertime!
Winter season is here in earnest and so is the time for winter sports! Whether ..
ReadTwo classical art museums to visit in France and Germany in the beginning of the year
Learn about the Notre Dame in Musée de Cluny in Paris Musee de Cluny in ..