Electric car in the sun

Electric car trends and five questions to consider before you go on a road trip with an electric car

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The trend is clear. Electric car registrations are increasing in the EU. In a report for January 2023 by ACEA (The European Automobile Manufacturers' Association), the market grew by 11.3% that month. Most of the electric car registrations were then observed in Spain, Italy, and France, so the southern EU countries were taking the lead. The statistics include both electric cars and hybrid cars and it is worth mentioning that petrol-driven cars still had a clear majority of the market share, with 37.9% of all the registered cars in the EU.

Considerations when planning a road trip with electric car

When you decide to rent an electric car for your road trip, these are some useful questions you should try to answer, to make your road trip easier.

  1. How far can you go with the electric car before it has to be recharged?
  2. Where are the charging stations along your selected road trip route?
  3. How much preplanning do you have to do for your route, to make sure that you will have charging stations along it?
  4. If you are going to stay in hotels, do they have electric car charging stations in their parking facilities?
  5. Which car rentals have a larger selection of electric cars?

In the first months of the year both electric car and hybrid car registrations in EU grew, 9.5% and 26% respectively. So although electric car registrations are clearly increasing, hybrid cars are still in the lead between the two, with almost three times as many car registrations.

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